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来源:山西 日期:2023-11-28 浏览:

















A.20m B.40m C.80m D.90m


A.35m B.63m C.15m D.80m







A.162.5m B.40m C.50m D.37.5m







8、做直线运动的质点a和b的速度图线如图所示,已知t=0时刻它们处于同一位置,则下列说法不正确的是( )





9、一物体由静止沿光滑的斜面匀加速下滑距离为 L时,速度为v,当它的速度是v/2时,它沿斜面下滑的距离是 [ ]

C.L/4 D.3L/4

10.物体沿一直线做加速运动,从开始计时起,第1s内位移是1m,第2s内的位移是2m,第3s内的位移是3m,第4s内位移是4m,由此可知( )

A、此物体一定做匀加速直线运动 B、此物体的初速度一定为0

C、此物体的加速度一定是1m/s2 D、此物体在前4s内的平均速度一定是2.5m/s


11、如图所示是A、B、C三个物体运动的速度时间图象,从图可知( )





12、下列速度中,是瞬时速度的是( )











A.位移; B.加速度; C.经历时间; D.平均速度。

15、根据打点计时器打出的纸带,我们可以从纸带上直接得到物理量是( )

A、时间间隔 B、位移 C、加速度 D、瞬时速度ks5u

本文导航 1、首页2、非选择题


16、在用图象法处理实验数据时,为了减少误差 ( )






①打点计时器 ②天平③低压交流电源 ④低压直流电源 ⑤细绳和纸带

⑥钩码和小车 ⑦秒表 ⑧一端有滑轮的长木板 ⑨刻度尺

18、如图所示,某同学在做研究匀变速直线运动实验中,由打点计时器得到表示小车运动过程的"一条清晰纸带,纸带上两相邻计数点的时间间隔为T=0.20s,其中S1=7.05cm,S2=7.68cm,S3=8.33cm,S4=8.95cm,S5=9.61cm,S6=10.26cm,则A点的瞬时速度大小是 m/s(保留2位有效数字),小车运动的加速度计算表达式是____________,加速度大小为_______________ m/s2 (保留2位有效数字)。



20、 (12分)做匀加速直线运动的物体,先后经过A、B两点,已知在A点时的速度VA=1m/s,在B点时的速度是VB=7m/s。求:物体经过A、B中点的速度?在A、B中间时刻的速度?


求: (1)经过多少时间落到地面?




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



11 12 13 14 15



16 BD 17 ②④⑦ 18 0.37; ; 0.16m/s2


19、(9分)、解:a= = =2m/s2 (3分)

(1619)秒内:a= = = -4m/s2 (3分)

18秒末:V=V +at=12-42=4m/s (3分)ks5u

20、(12分) (2分) (2分)V中点= (2分) V中点= =5m/s (2分) V中间= (2分) V中间= =4m/s(2分)

21、(12分)解:(1)h= (2分) t= = =8秒 (2分)

(2)h= (2分) h= 1012=5米(2分)ks5u

h= = 10(8-1)2=245米 (2分) △h=320-245=75m(2分)


为了激发同学们的想象力和对未来生活的猜想,你校的英语报开办了专栏Future Life。请你根据以下提示为专栏撰稿,介绍一下你想象中的未来的汽车:









??? Success doesn’t begin until you start the walk down the pathway towards your goals.And,your walk ______ begins with a baby step.Why do we ______? them baby steps? Are they really more important than our ______ steps down life’s pathway?

Baby steps are the first steps we take as an act of faith.We ______ others stepping out and we claim (声称) our ability to ______ by following them.As we grow,we ______ our development by taking additional baby steps.Sometimes we fall;sometimes we fail.Thereafter,all ______ become an act of faith;we just become more practiced.______ you say to yourself,“I don’t want to ______ myself” or “I won’t try unless I’m sure I will succeed,” you’ll ______ never take the baby steps towards your ______ and end up wallowing in (沉湎) your own self-pity.

In society,we focus on (关注) results.We ______ every risk that must be taken to reach our goals.There are ______ people who are skilful performers of any tasks the first time they ______ them.They fail and succeed.Then,they build upon the ______ they have learned from each successive step.They practice their skills and use their talents through baby steps ______ they are ready to show them to the world.

So,______ to take those baby steps to achieve the goals before you.As you become more ______,your baby steps become a walk,then a jog (慢跑),and ______ a race.That’s how our baby steps ______ us through the marathon of life.









9.A.make a fool ofB.take pity onC.play jokes onD.make a secret of














One morning,a bus was running,in which were some people 1. (go) to work. Suddenly,a car rushed out? from? a? nearby? road;the? bus 2. (force) to stop. It was a car taking pictures of a wedding (婚礼),3. (follow) by a line of slow-moving?? wedding cars.The passengers started to complain that they would be late 4. work,but the? bus? driver just? sat? in? his? seat 5. (quiet) and rang the horn (喇叭) from time to time.

Someone said to the driver,“No use ringing the horn;they won’t make way for you.You’d better rush through the line.”

The driver turned back and said with 6. smile,“I’m ringing the horn not to urge them to make way for 7. (I),but to wish them happiness.”After a second,he added,“Marriage is a happy thing,so we have a chance 8. (make) way for others’ happiness.Isn’t it a happy thing?”

The passengers on the bus calmed down.

9. is a happy thing to make way for others’ happiness.The one 10. has such a feeling is certainly a happy person.








The first time I went to the zoo was several years ago,with parents.Yesterday I went to the zoo with some classmates.Arriving here,we got a guidebook and started walking round a zoo.We all got pretty exciting about visiting the animals.But something in their eyes made me to think they might enjoy live in the wild rather than be kept in a cage.One classmate might have guessed what had come in my mind,as he tells me at least in this way we had a good chance to know more about the animals.I don’t know.Maybe some days there will have a better way to see and study them.




What present does the woman send the man?

A.A little cat.B.A toy car.C.A nice cake.

What kind of person is Stan?

A.He is selfish.B.He is cold.C.He is helpful.

Who will arrive today?


Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.At a station.B.At a restaurant.C.In a library.

Why does the man hold a party?

A.To celebrate the birth of a child.B.To celebrate his buying an old house.

C.To celebrate his moving into a new house.



1.What are the speakers talking about?


2.Which one is painted by George Anderson?

A.The Summer Flowers.B.The Swiss Mountains.C.The Lovely Windows.


1.Why is today a big day for the man?

A.He will get paid.B.He will attend a party.C.He will have a meeting.

2.Which tie does the man decide to wear?

A.The red one.B.The blue one.C.The white one.


1.Where did the woman move when she was young?

A.To America.B.To Mexico.C.To Japan.

2.What will the woman probably do after graduation?

A.Join a company.B.Become a lawyer.C.Run her own hotel.

3.Who is studying management?



1.What are the speakers talking about?

A.How to laugh.B.How to tell jokes.C.How to make people surprised.

2.What makes the woman feel embarrassed (尴尬的)?

A.Her jokes are not appreciated.B.Her friends often laugh at her.

C.Her parents don’t understand her.

3.What does the man suggest to the woman?

A.Laughing Loudly while telling jokes.B.Telling jokes to the right person.

C.Not using body language.

4.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The woman doesn’t understand her friends at all.

B.When the man tells jokes, his friends seldom laugh.

C.The man is better at telling jokes than the woman.



1.When does the speaker help with cooking?

A.In the morning.B.In the afternoon.C.In the evening.

2.What does the speaker like best?

A.Fishing.B.Telling stories.C.Riding a horse.

3.Why are the other kids often laughing at the speaker?

A.She dropped the hot dogs in the fire.B.She couldn’t ride a horse.

C.She got lost in the forest.

4.How does the speaker find the summer camp?



You may be familiar with the following famous people, but have you heard of their graduation speeches, in which they either share their unforgotten experiences or give you some great inspiration(灵感).

Michael Dell, University of Texas at Austin

And now you’ve accomplished something great and important here, and it’s time for you to move on to what’s next. And you must not let anything prevent you from taking those first steps. … You must also commit to the adventure. Just have faith in the skills and the knowledge you’ve been blessed(赐予) with and go.

J.K. Rowling, Harvard University

Half my lifetime ago, I was striking an uneasy balance between my ambition and the expectation from my parents who were not rich…But what I feared most of myself at your age was not poverty, but failure. The fact that you are graduating from Harvard suggests that you know little about failure, you might be driven by a fear of failure quite as much as a desire for success.

Steve Jobs, Stanford University

Sometimes life’s going to hit you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith…Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work, and the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking and don’t settle.

Bill Gates, Harvard University

We need as many people as possible to have access to the advanced technology to lead to a revolution in what human beings can do for one another. They are making it possible not just for national governments, but for universities, smaller organizations, and even individuals to see problems, see approaches and deal with the world’s inequities(不公平) like hunger, poverty, and so on.

1.What Michael Dell said is to encourage us to ________.

A.listen to our heartB.run after our dreams

C.follow others’ exampleD.learn from our mistakes

2.What did J.K. Rowling fear most when she was studying in university?



3.What does Bill Gates suggest people do?

A.Master as much advanced technology as possible.

B.Make contributions to the environment.

C.Work together to solve some global problems.

D.Take responsibility for their own behavior.

Everybody, at some point in their lives, has experienced failure. It could be something as simple as not getting the job you wanted, or getting fewer marks even after hard work. But what makes you is not your failure, but how you get back up after being hit.

Once, a young school boy was caught in a fire accident in his school and was assumed that he would not live. His mother was told that he was sure to die, for the terrible fire had destroyed the lower half of his body. Even if he were to survive, he would be lame throughout his life.

But the brave boy did not want to die nor did he want to be lame. Much to the amazement of the doctor, he did survive. But unfortunately from his waist down, he had no motor ability. His thin legs just hung there, lifeless. Eventually he left the hospital. But his determination to walk was unshakable. At home, when he was not in bed, he had to stay in a wheelchair. One day, he threw himself from the chair and pulled himself across the grass, dragging his legs behind him. He reached the fence, raised himself up and then began dragging himself along the fence, firmly determined. He did this every day, with faith in himself that he would be able to walk unaided. With his iron determination, he did develop the ability to stand up, then to walk on and off, then to walk by himself and then to run.

He began to walk to school, and then run to school, to run for the joy of running. Later in college he was on the track team.

In February 1934, in New York City’s Madison Square Garden, this young man who was not expected to survive, who would surely never walk, who could never hope to run ― this determined young man, Dr. Glenn Cunningham, ran the world’s fastest mile.

A good example of the power of positive(积极的) thinking and faith in oneself, Glenn Cunningham continues to be an inspiration for many, and his story, a brilliant evidence to how one can bounce back even when all difficulties are piled against one, to the degree that death seemed the preferable choice.

1.What was the doctor’s opinion about Glenn?

A.There was a little chance that Glenn could survive.

B.Great determination could make a difference to Glenn.

C.Glenn was able to walk with his own great effort

D.Glenn could live a normal life with the upper half of his body.

2.The underlined word “unaided” means ________.

A.for himselfB.without help

C.with disabilityD.without hesitation

3.What do we know about Glenn?

A.Glenn took recovery exercise in hospital.

B.Glenn inspired people with his moving story.

C.Glenn won the first place in Marathon.

D.Glenn organized a track team in college.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Stand up after failureB.Strengthen determination

C.Go after dreamsD.Face difficulty bravely

I came to Rio, Brazil to work one year ago. So what have I found here?

You need to learn Portuguese

I started studying Portuguese about two years ago. I didn’t end up improving my Portuguese as much as I’d hoped before I came here. While Spanish and Portuguese are structurally quite similar, there are huge differences between the two. You can’t just magically understand Brazilians if you speak Spanish.

I didn’t need to bring heels.

Going out in cities like Buenos Aires is a big deal. You get dressed up, you do your hair, and you definitely wear heels―at least if you’re going out to dance. I had no idea how wrong I was. Yes, Rio is a city, but it’s a city on the beach. Of course, there are fancy clubs that probably expect everyone to show up in dress shoes(时装鞋), but most of the places I’ve been to are fine with sneakers, even for dancing.

Learning about pop music is a must.

Whenever I go out and a pop song comes on, every single other person there sings along to all the words. I still haven’t understood if there are only 25 songs that get played in public or if people really do just have a fantastic memory for lyrics, but either way, I wish I’d spent a bit more time practicing Brazilian pop music so I wouldn’t look like such a lost foreigner.

Airplanes are a surprisingly sensitive subject

In Brazil, the credit for modern flight goes to Alberto Santos Dumont. Brazilians say the Wright Brothers’ use of a catapult(飞机弹射器) was technically cheating and point to their man as the real pioneer of the plane. Therefore, be careful before bringing up the subject of planes in Brazil unless you’re ready for a lecture.

1.What can we infer about Brazilians?

A.They are fond of dancing.B.They understand Spanish.

C.They have a good memory.D.They are informally dressed.

2.How did the author react when the others were singing?

A.She felt like an outsider.B.She felt ashamed.

C.She sang along.D.She pretended to be lost.

3.What topic should you avoid in Rio?

A.Pop music.B.Dressing styles.

C.The history of planes.D.Spanish.

4.What’s the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A.To tell us something about Brazil.

B.To give foreigners in Rio some suggestions.

C.To share her life in Rio as a foreigner.

D.To encourage us to learn a foreign language.

Some people state they never forget a face. But what does that saying mean? Is there really no limit to the number of faces a person can remember?

A new study has found that, on average, people can remember as many as 5,000 faces. That number comes from a group of researchers at the University of York in England. There have been many studies recently on facial recognition. But the authors of this study say theirs is the first time that scientists have been able to put a number to the abilities of humans to recognize faces.

During the study, people spent one hour writing down as many faces from their personal lives as possible. Then, they wrote down famous faces they know, such as actors, politicians and other public people. The results showed that the participants knew between 1,000 and 10,000 faces, which is very shocking to the researchers. Rob Jenkins, coauthor of the study, said one explanation about it may be that some people have a natural ability for remembering faces. He also said it could be because of different social environments. Some people may have grown up in more populated places. So they may have had more social contact throughout their lives.

The ability to tell individual people apart is “clearly important.” In today’s modern world of big cities, televisions and social media, we meet thousands of people. Our facial recognition abilities help us to deal with the many different faces we see on the screens, as well as those we know.

The people in the study included 25 men and women. They are between 18 and 61 years old. “It would be interesting to see whether there is a peak age for the number of faces we know”, Jenkins said it is possible that we gather more faces throughout our lifetime. But, he added, there also may be an age at which we start to find it harder to remember all of those faces.

1.How is the study different from the previous ones?

A.It is the first study on facial recognition.

B.It lists the number of faces people can recognize.

C.The study includes participants of all ages.

D.Participants could only recognize faces from personal lives.

2.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A.The difference of social environments.B.People’s natural ability to learn.

C.The wide range of the numbers.D.The necessity of facial recognition.

3.What will the researchers probably focus on after this study?

A.Why older people remember more faces.

B.How our ability to remember faces vary at different ages.

C.Whether people’s ability to remember faces is necessary.

D.When people can remember the most faces.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Human Beings Never Forget a FaceB.Face Recognition Benefits Humans

C.The Brain Remembers Thousands of FacesD.The Key to Remembering More Faces


Universities are doing everything they can to become a green campus. But there are also items students can do to make your campus more eco-friendly.

1. Recycle everything, especially paper!

There is a large amount of paper a college student goes through every term.1..We know that these things can’t be avoided, but the way you handle the use of all the paper can really help create a better green campus.

2. Buy green.

2.. Paper, cleaning products and water are products that can be bought as recycled goods. They’re slightly more expensive than the normal products, but it’s worth it to make a green campus.

3. Walk and bike to school.

Most campuses, especially those that are trying to become a more eco-friendly campus, have pretty good public transportation. 3..Walking or biking will help make your campus a green university.

4. 4..

A water bottle can be refilled at any water fountain and can easily be drunk in class or while riding a bike. This will save the environment by decreasing the amount of plastic waste on your campus.

5. Buy used clothing.

It is usually thought of as something to do to save money. 5.. Recycling clothes minimizes the use of resources to make clothing and puts a dent in the problem of worldwide sweatshops.

A. Carry a water bottle.

B. Buy recycled goods as much as possible.

C. It is also good for the environment!

D. Paper made of this kind of wood is much stronger.

E. It includes class notes, term papers, student newspapers and so on.

F. On top of that, almost all universities are pedestrian (步行者) friendly.

G. Universities call on all the students to learn to recycle all the waste paper.


We hired two cabs and visited Abu. We fixed our luggage on top of the _______ and started out. During the journey back, we stopped for a tea. That’s when I noticed _______ that the rope with which the luggage was _______ in one of the carriers had come loose and one of the _______ was missing. It must have _______ somewhere along the way. Although it didn’t contain any _______ things just clothes and some food, we decided to retrace (折返) our steps, driving back four kilometres, _______ the bag. But Luck wasn’ t our friend: We could not _______ it and returned to Ahmedabad unhappy.

After about a(n) _______, one day, while in my office, I got a call from my assistant that a ________ Mr Shah wanted to see me. I called him into my ________ and asked him: “How can we help you?” To which he said, “No, sir. I have not come for any official help. It is a(n) ________ matter. Did you lose your bag?” I told him about the lost bag from Mount Abu a month ago

Then Shah said his side of the ________:“I was driving back to Ahmedabad when I ________ a bag lying by the side of the road. I picked it up and ________ there for an hour or so. Since no one turned up to claim (索要) it, I went to a nearby gas station and gave my ________ to the manager with a request that if someone asked him for the bag my details may be ________. About a month passed. Since I did not hear from anyone, I ________open the lock and found your visiting card, with your ________ and address, inside. So, here I am. I was surprised and quite ________, too. I could not find the right words to express myself. I somehow managed to speak a few sentences, but nearly not enough to express my feelings on his act of kindness.





5.A.taken offB.fallen outC.taken onD.fallen off


7.A.looking forB.running intoC.getting overD.handing out
















Joanna Cole, born on August 11, 1944 in Newark, New Jersey, has been credited to be one of the 1.(popular) children’s authors of all time. She 2.(write) over 250 books so far. Cole has owed a large part of her passion to one of her elementary school teachers.

Joanna Cole continued her education and 3.(final) earned a bachelor’s degree. In 1971 she decided to write her first book cockroaches. She did some research and discovered 4. had never been a book written for children about cockroaches. 5., she thought she would be the first. Cole wrote the first Magic School Bus in 1985. The book would go on to be published the 6.(follow) year and quickly became book series and cartoon series due to its 7.(succeed).

Cole writes in a way that will hopefully inspire children 8.(think) like a scientist. She does this by writing ideas instead of just facts. She also tries to ask questions in her books 9. require children to think and discover the answers as they read. This creates 10. engaging experience for children, so it is no wonder why younger readers are interested in her books.




删除:把多余的.词用斜线 ( / ) 划掉。




Dear Bill,

I’m glad to receive your letter. Thank you for your caring for the weather or my health. Now I’d like to tell you anything about the smog.

Since last winter, the smog has been occurred a lot of times. It has done great harm to our daily life―a great number people got sick; many traffic accidents happened and quite lots of flights had to be put up. Luckily, people have realized the serious harm causing by the smog and the importance of protecting the environment. People all over the country are taking measure to reduce the smog. As for me, I will go to school by bike or on foot, and I would not throw the waste anywhere. Beside, I will tell people around to try their best to protect the environment. Would you like to tell me some other good ideas?

Looking forward to receive your reply.


假如你是李华,想邀请你的朋友John在周六晚上去观看科幻电影 The Wandering Earth,请用英语给他写一封邮件,内容包括:








Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua




It is agreed that ______ widely is one of the most effective ways to enlarge our vocabulary.

A.readingB.readC.readsD.having read

In my school, English is compulsory (必修) for all students, but French and Spanish are ___.


Joining the company as a clerk (职员), he got rapid promotion (晋升), and ______ working as a manager.

A.ended upB.came acrossC.settled forD.focused on

I am determined to have a try ______ it means risking losing everything.

A.now thatB.as thoughC.as long asD.even though

It was difficult to get a word in. Everyone ______ so excitedly about the new film.

A.had talkedB.talkedC.was talkingD.would talk

--- What’s wrong? You look pale.

--- Nothing serious. I’m just feeling ______ tired after the long walk.

A.lots ofB.a bit ofC.plenty ofD.kind of

I still remember the moment ______ I first saw him after his operation.



??? I don’t know why the train was unusually full today. I sat down in the only seat _____? beside a middle-aged man who had his head down and seemed to be lost in ______. I was glad that he didn’t notice me as he just ______ to look down towards the floor.

Shortly after the train left I found myself ______ what this man was thinking about. What could be so ______ that he didn’t even see me sit next to him? I tried to forget about it and started to read my paper. ______, some inner voice kept encouraging me to talk to this man. I tried to ______ but I failed.

Finally I ______ an excuse to ask him a question. When he ______ his head and turned his eyes towards me I could see that he must have been really ______. I can’t describe the sadness which was so ______. We talked for about 20 minutes and in the end he seemed to be doing ______. As we were leaving the train he thanked me again and again.

Several weeks later, when I watched TV at home, I received a strange ______, which only had the word Angel written on it. After I read it I was ______ touched (感动). It was a letter from the man I met on the ______. That day he planned to ______ his life. In his letter, he went on to ______ that he had said to God that if God really ______ him he would send someone to prevent him killing himself. In his eyes I was that Angel sent by God.

I don’t know what that voice was that made me take a ______ and talk to a stranger but I do know that it made a ______ in someone’s life that day. So the next time you hear your inner voice, just listen to it.








8.A.call forB.ask forC.came up withD.make up for










18.A.called onB.cared aboutC.sent forD.gave up




??? Last night was the last game for my eight-year-old son’s soccer team. It was the final quarter. The score was two to one, my son’s team in the lead. Parents surrounded the playground, offering encouragement.

With less than ten seconds remaining, the ball suddenly rolled in front of my son’s teammate Mickey O’Donnel. With shouts of “Kick it!” echoing across the playground, Mickey turned around and gave it everything he had. All around me the crowd erupted (沸腾). O’Donnel had scored!

Then there was silence. Mickey had scored all right, but in the wrong goal, ending the game in a tie. For a moment there was a total hush. You see, Mickey has Down syndrome (唐氏综合症) and for him there is no such thing as a wrong goal. All goals were celebrated by a joyous hug from Mickey. He had even been known to hug the opposing players when they scored.

The silence was finally broken when Mickey, his face filled with joy, hugged my son tightly and shouted, “I scored! I scored. Everybody won! Everybody won!” For a moment I held my breath, not sure how my son would react. I need not have worried. I watched, through tears, as my son threw up his hand in the classic high-five salute and started chanting, “Way to go Mickey! Way to go Mickey!” Within moments both teams surrounded Mickey, joining in the chant and congratulating him on his goal.

Later that night, when my daughter asked who had won, I smiled as I replied. “It was a tie. Everybody won.”

1.What was the result of the soccer match?

A.Two to two, equal to both the teams.

B.Three to one in Mickey’s team’s favor.

C.Two to one in the opposite team’s favor.

D.Nobody won because of Mickey’s goal.

2.The underlined word “hush” in paragraph 3 means “________”.



3.What did the author worry about when Mickey scored and hugged his son?

A.The result would disappoint his son.

B.His son would shout at Mickey for his goal.

C.Mickey would again hug the opposing players.

D.The opposite team would laugh at Mickey’s goal.

4.It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

A.both teams liked and respected Mickey

B.both teams were thankful for Mickey’s goal

C.Mickey didn’t mind though his goal was wrong

D.Mickey was a kind-hearted boy and hoped everybody won

5.The purpose of the author in writing the passage is ________.

A.to tell a joke to make readers laugh

B.to suggest we should not mind losing

C.to show enjoying a game is more than winning a game

D.to present his son’s fine qualities of understanding others

??? I must have always known reading was very important because the first memories I have as a child deal with books. There was not one night that I don’t remember mom reading me a storybook by my bedside. I was extremely inspired by the elegant way the words sounded.

I always wanted to know what my mom was reading. Hearing mom say, “I can’t believe what’s printed in the newspaper this morning,” made me want to grab it out of her hands and read it myself. I wanted to be like my mom and know all of the things she knew. So I carried around a book, and each night, just to be like her, I would pretend to be reading.

This is how everyone learned to read. We would start off with sentences, then paragraphs, and then stories. It seemed an unending journey, but even as a six-year-old girl I realized that knowing how to read could open many doors. When mom said, “The C-A-N-D-Y is hidden on the top shelf,” I knew where the candy was. My progress in reading raised my curiosity, and I wanted to know everything. I often found myself telling my mom to drive more slowly, so that I could read all of the road signs we passed.

Most of my reading through primary, middle and high school was factual reading. I read for knowledge, and to make A’s on my tests. Occasionally, I would read a novel that was assigned, but I didn’t enjoy this type of reading. I liked facts, things that are concrete. I thought anything abstract left too much room for argument.

Yet, now that I’m growing and the world I once knew as being so simple is becoming more complex, I find myself needing a way to escape. By opening a novel, I can leave behind my burdens and enter into a wonderful and mysterious world where I am now a new character. In these worlds I can become anyone. I don’t have to write down what happened or what technique the author was using when he or she wrote this. I just read to relax.

We’re taught to read because it’s necessary for much of human understanding. Reading is a vital part of my life. Reading satisfies my desire to keep learning. And I’ve found that the possibilities that lie within books are limitless.

1.Why did the author want to grab the newspaper out of mom’s hands?

A.She wanted mom to read the news to her.

B.She was anxious to know what had happened.

C.She couldn’t wait to tear the newspaper apart.

D.She couldn’t help but stop mom from reading.

2.According to Paragraph 3, the author’s reading of road signs indicates ________.

A.her unique way to locate herself

B.her eagerness to develop her reading ability

C.her effort to remind mom to obey traffic rules

D.her growing desire to know the world around her

3.What was the author’s view on factual reading?

A.It would help her test-taking skills.

B.It would allow much room for free thinking.

C.It would provide true and objective information.

D.It would help shape a realistic and serious attitude to life.

4.The author takes novel reading as a way to ________.

A.explore a fantasy land

B.develop a passion for learning

C.learn about the adult community

D.get away from a confusing world

5.What could be the best title for the passage?

A.The Magic of Reading

B.The Pleasure of Reading

C.Growing Up with Reading

D.Reading Makes a Full Man

??? Why do we dream? It’s a question researchers have been studying for years. Now new research suggests that some dreams may result from the brain’s effort to keep learning, even as we sleep.

In a study in Boston, 100 volunteers were trained for an hour on a maze (迷宫). They tried to find their way through the difficult puzzle as quickly as possible. Then half of the volunteers were allowed to sleep for 90 minutes. The other half stayed awake, reading or relaxing. The ones who slept were asked to describe their dreams when they woke up.

After the rest, the volunteers were asked again to solve the maze. Those who hadn’t slept showed no improvement or did even worse after the break. Sleepers who didn’t report any maze-related dreams did better but showed only a little improvement. However, 4 nap-takers who reported dreaming about maze showed a surprising improvement. They scored 10 times higher after sleeping and dreaming about the maze.

Even though the number of dreamers was small, the researchers noted that the gap in learning between the dreamers and the non-dreamers was so wide that the finding was significant.

The dreamers had all performed poorly on the test before dreaming about it. That suggests that struggling with a task might be the trigger that leads the sleeping brain to focus on it and work on how to deal with it.

“It’s almost as if your brain is going through everything that happened today,” Dr. Stickgold, a scientist at Harvard Medical School, said, “The things you are obsessed (着迷的) with are the ones that your brain forces you to continue to do with. ”

1.What’s the best title of the passage?

A.Learning while you dream.B.What dreams stand for.

C.Dream a good dream.D.Dreams and health.

2.What were the volunteers asked to do after the rest?

A.To work on a new maze.

B.To continue to do the maze.

C.To talk with each other about their dreams.

D.To tell what they thought about the maze.

3.According to the study, which group showed the greatest improvement?

A.Those who didn’t sleep.

B.Those who slept but didn’t dream.

C.Those who dreamed about the maze while sleeping.

D.Those who thought about the maze before falling asleep.

4.The underlined word “trigger” in paragraph 5 probably means ________.



5.In which part of a newspaper would you most probably read this passage?





要求:1. 日记体裁,时间自拟,星期和日期要写完整单词;

2. 记述一件发生在家庭成员之间的事件, 要有细节描写;

3. 要有自己对这件事情的看法或感受;

4. 提示:注意体裁和时态;

5. 字数:80个单词左右。



--- Dad, I have decided not to go to university.

--- ______ What about your future career as a lawyer?

A.It’s up to you.B.Good luck with college!

C.You can’t be serious!D.Are you jumping in with both feet?

The chairman remained silent ______ the whole debate.


The twins, who ______ their homework, were allowed to play badminton outside.

A.will finishB.finishC.have finishedD.had finished












